Epiphany Studios in Pontiac is not only about making beautiful hand-blown glass but about giving back to the community.
Hearts For Ukraine – A special note from April Wagner, Master Glassblower and Owner:
“It is with a heavy heart that I watch what is happening in Ukraine. The terrible images of families running from the safety of their homes into the unknown, while I stand safely in my home wondering how I can help. It is easy to turn off the news and forget because the skies are clear here and we are safe.
After mentioning my feeling of impotence to a trusted mentor, she suggested I create a special heart and donate the proceeds. I loved this idea. Here is something I know how to do that will help, and the #HeartsforUkraine campaign was born.
We have created a beautiful handmade glass heart with the Ukraine flag colors reminding us how grateful we are for freedom, and how we help others maintain theirs. The hearts are $60. $50 from the sale of each will be donated to SHARE Detroit, a Detroit based 501C3 co-founded by Ukrainian Sam Rozenberg. SHARE Detroit in turn will pass 100% of the money on to their trusted partners in Ukraine.
Please join me in supporting the Ukrainians as they fight for freedom. Together we can change lives.